
IoT Solutions World Congress 2022. A review before the event

Pandemic times have changed the way we relate. Virtual is the new normal and physical seems to be the innovative set up, but hold on, industry events are coming back in a renovated fashion. Sploro will participate in the coming IoT Solutions World Congress of Barcelona happening next week from the 10th to the 12th of May.

What is the event about?

It is an industry event which was originally designed around Internet of Things technologies, but which has opened significantly the scope in this edition including related elements like Cloud, Cybersecurity, Greentech and a related startup competition. The existing sponsors range from top technology companies like Amazon Web Services, to top-five consultancies like Deloitte but also including open-source foundations like FIWARE. An interesting ecosystem with a very international audience seems an interesting opportunity to get to know about latest developments. A very dense agenda with keynotes and an interesting exhibition area will fulfill Hall 3 at Fira Barcelona.

Interesting stuff in the agenda

Keynotes by diamond sponsors can give a grasp of the overall topics in the agenda. Very commercially focused. The agenda is divided in 5 different tracks: Security, Connectivity, Business optimization, Intelligence and Customer Experience. Each of the track underscores a set of related technologies, which in some cases seem far to the pure IoT. It is the case of the Customer Experience, which relates to unrelated domains like health or smart parking, but that center the IOT devices as the common element.

At Sploro, we love startups, so the startup package is one of the elements we are definitely looking at. The offering, made in a sort of contest, costs 995€ per startup and includes an exhibition space, no fees for the competition if the startup is selected (nothing said if it is not selected, which poses doubts about the selection itself), a full pass, 10 regular passes and 10 digital ones and access to the virtual networking.

The startup competition consists of the presence in stage of 10 companies, which are:

The contest will happen on the 12th from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Hacking Villages

What about networking?

Networking is done only under an external application called Swapcard. We had used this application in the past for the European Open Data Days 2021. As usual, emails are protected, being all the messaging system restricted to the application itself. We don’t particularly like the approach of having another application for sending messages and setting up meetings with people outside our regular tools (email and an online calendar). The use of the application is 5€ per participant if you get a free code access or included in the basic ticket. This means not every attendee is automatically listed. On Friday 6th, there were 1900 visible attendees in the application. According to the projections by the event website, this represents barely a 12% of the foreseen attendees, not a very high figure…

Making use of the Instant Data Scraper extension for Chrome navigator one can easily list via excel file a full list of the 1900 attendees on Swapcard. For GDPR reasons we cannot provide the full-list, but we can run some simple analysis to give a slight overview of the type of participants one can find here.

Infographic describing the type of attendees at the networking app for the IOTSWC2022

Tickets and pricing

According to the website the official pricing is divided in three categories plus the special passes (investors, press and complimentary). The common human beings can attend from 155€ (Expo + IoTSWC Extend). The Cyber Security Congress Pass (parallel event) is 350€. Full congress pass is 1095€. It is true that there are significant discounts for groups, and if you are lucky and know any sponsors probably a free ticket too. IoTSWC is the usage of the networking tool by Swapcard

Meeting Sploro during the event

We will be there during the last 2 days only, but feel free to book us a slot to have a coffee, show us your latest demo or introduce us your innovation plans for your company. We will be more than happy to connect. You can easily find our CEO, Miguel, available for a chat in the Swapcard application, but if you don’t have access to it feel free to drop us an email.